My stock of yarn has generally seen more yarn coming in than going out. It's not like I have crazy amounts, but I have quite a few balls I've bought without any planned purpose, or I might have abandoned the original idea I had... especially if that was an idea from another weak moment...
The last few months at least I have been very organized, and only bought yarn that I had a safe plan for. I have yarn for a few projects all ready - and I don't really need any new yarn for quite a while...
But yesterday I had a weak moment and gave in to an urge for putting in an order for new yarn.
This time I've ordere 7 different colours in an Alpaca yarn from I have never bought this yarn before, but I've seen it, and it's very light and soft. And - I do have a plan for it - if it works... that's still left to see...
For quite a while I've been dreaming of making a granny-square blanket for myself - and I'm now starting to get a fair idea of how I'd like it... Ideally I'd like it light, fairly thin and it HAS to be very soft - and that's why I'll give it a try using this Alpaca may be too thin- and I may have to use it double - in which case the amount of yarn needed may be far off what I can afford spending on this kind of project - but I'll test out a few different designs and different needle thicknesses, and hopefully I'll find a way that works. I also had to get one of each of the colours I'm considering, so that I can get a proper idea of whether they go together or not, and how I'd like the blanket to be...
If it turns out that this yarn was a bad idea for the blanket, there will be plenty of smaller, cute projects I could use this yarn for - no way this yarn will stay unused in any case!
2 weeks ago
Skikkelig nydelige farger:)
ReplyDeleteSå fine farger! Gleder meg til å se ferdig bestmor teppe. Tror dette blir et vellykket prosjekt jeg:-)
ReplyDeletehehe.. tror nok du må vente en god stund på å få sett det - hvis det i det hele tatt blir noe av;)
ReplyDeleteBlir i såfall et langtids "innimellom"-prosjekt - men må innrømme jeg klør litt i fingrene etter å få testet litt ihvertfall!